Saturday, May 17, 2008

Prom Night

Yes the 1980 Canadian horror/slasher film starring Leslie Nielsen and Jamie Lee Curtis.


The full on Disco soundtrack is composed by Paul Zaza and Carl Zittrer. Who? I don't know either, but this ultra slick cheeze sleeze Disco bombardment is an awesome assult to your senses like a big splash of Paco Robanne!

Pumped up with Disco ballads/Disco Traditionale'/Space Disco/and my favorite Disco Sleeze.

Paul Zaza & Carl Zittrer - Prom Night Soundtrack - 1980

Get it here:


Check out the Prom Night ending, a Disco massacre...

Hope you like

Clap Clap

1 comment:

Rabid Hummingbird said...


Thanks man! Im in love with your blog!!!