Robin Lee Crutchfield!!!
In the mid-1970s, Robin Crutchfield moved from Ohio to New York to participate in the growing conceptual and performance art movement. After several performances in galleries and alternative spaces which received critical acclaim, he broke away from the scene to pursue music...
In 1979, after having formed the infamous ULTRA SNOBBY No Wave band DNA with Arto Lindsay and Ikue Mori, and recorded a single for Lust/Unlust and four tracks for the Eno-produced "No New York" album, and having gigged with DNA for nearly a year, Robin determined the band was moving in a direction counter to his own interests and left to form his own project, Dark Day...

Dark Day music is rather advanced for its time, it really dives into deep underground sounds. RLC's music explores synthy soundscapes, and hypnotic percussions, but yet has that cold synth bleakness that was NYC in the early 80's. The good old days...
Try these.
Hands In The Dark 7" - 1979

Exterminating Angel LP - 1980

Get those here:
AND !!
Trapped 12" - 1981

Window LP -1982

Get those here:
We haven't had a Viddy in a while so...
I don't know if this is a real Video but it is hypnotic.
Dark Day- Arp's Carpet
Hope you enjoyed it!
Clap Clap
I had my jukebox playing random music the other day and something caught my ear. It was R.L.C's Dark Day. Great stuff.
I'd always found figure-skating to be boring up until I saw this video.
It's like they're all up to something, and we don't know it. They're just skating, we think to ourselves...silly us. We won't know until it's too late.
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