If DEVO had an evil step-sibling...
Crash Course in Science (CCIS) is an electronic musical group that was formed in 1979. Choosing toy instruments and live drums out of necessity, CCIS began to experiment with a series of analog recording devices. The instruments gave way to crude drum machines and ‘Frankenstein’ type homemade instruments. CCIS was ready to record the Signals From Pier Thirteen. Signals From Pier Thirteen was released in the U.S. and England in 1981. This 12” EP contained the songs ‘Cardboard Lamb’ and ‘Flying Turns’ which are two of the bands most recognizable tracks. This record has been regarded as influential to the techno industrial genres and was an early inception of what is now known as the ‘electro’ sound. This record is still highly sought-after by collectors and fans today.. Last FM
Here are the first two releases of pure sweet driving synth. This music was way ahead of its time, almost bordering on early techno.. I first caught this trio on "The Uncle Floyd Show" circa 1981.. I've been a huge fan since..
You will be too..
Crash Course in Science
Cakes In The Home 7" - 1979 - US

Signals From Pier Thirteen 12" - 1981 - US

Get them both here:
Hope you like
Clap Clap
Excelent Post....Greetings !!!
I read about C.C.I.S. in an old issue of Trousser Press.
Now, 27 years later, I can listen it...
Thanx Fantasmi!
Great Post...Great Blog.. Thanks a lot..
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