Friday, February 19, 2010

Settling in


Be back real soon...



jay said...

well that made my day!

K.S. Chambers said...

hey, just stumbled across your blog this evening. some fantastic posts to be found here. thanks for putting in all the time and effort for us unworthy cloud surfers. will bookmark and stop by again when i have more time to get deeper in the mix. for now, am listening in on Cee Farrow's Red & Blue . . .


zak said...

love the video

YarRost said...

LSD-Remix ;):

Galavantingcherub said...

Holy crap I think you started some kind of viral internet behemoth with this link. The video only had a few thousand hits when you posted it here in January, and now its way past a million. Plus Oscar winner Christoph Waltz recently referenced it in a vaguely unfunny comedy sketch on network TV. Might this news serves to coax you out of semi-retirement? I hope so. Love the blog - and hope you're well x

Anonymous said...

tnx for everything + by way of …

Anonymous said...

RIP Mr. Trololo and RIP Fantasmi Macchina