hey, just stumbled across your blog this evening. some fantastic posts to be found here. thanks for putting in all the time and effort for us unworthy cloud surfers. will bookmark and stop by again when i have more time to get deeper in the mix. for now, am listening in on Cee Farrow's Red & Blue . . .
Holy crap I think you started some kind of viral internet behemoth with this link. The video only had a few thousand hits when you posted it here in January, and now its way past a million. Plus Oscar winner Christoph Waltz recently referenced it in a vaguely unfunny comedy sketch on network TV. Might this news serves to coax you out of semi-retirement? I hope so. Love the blog - and hope you're well x
Were you can download electronic ditties, and enjoy them on your futuristic devices.
Exploring through a cloud of subgenre experiments in music and art:
This blog does not store any files on its server. The postings are for promotional and preview purposes only and all music downloaded from here should be deleted within 24 hours. If you like the albums you downloaded here please support the artist by buying their cds.
These files were converted from what are believed to be "out-of-print" sources. If you are aware of any of these items being readily available from commercial sources, or if any of these files infringe upon rights that you hold, please notify me so that we can quickly remove the referenced items immediately." If there is any problems with the DL links please inform me so I can quickly repost them for you...
It takes time to convert albums to mp3 format, then do track listings and search for covers and then upload and post the albums for you all to enjoy
I do appreciate everybody who keeps this blog alive, but a small "Thank You" goes a long way and it costs nothing to do..
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I count on U
Music is everybody's possession. It's only publishers who think that people own it.
well that made my day!
hey, just stumbled across your blog this evening. some fantastic posts to be found here. thanks for putting in all the time and effort for us unworthy cloud surfers. will bookmark and stop by again when i have more time to get deeper in the mix. for now, am listening in on Cee Farrow's Red & Blue . . .
love the video
LSD-Remix ;):
Holy crap I think you started some kind of viral internet behemoth with this link. The video only had a few thousand hits when you posted it here in January, and now its way past a million. Plus Oscar winner Christoph Waltz recently referenced it in a vaguely unfunny comedy sketch on network TV. Might this news serves to coax you out of semi-retirement? I hope so. Love the blog - and hope you're well x
tnx for everything + by way of … http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyAKBuU72p4
RIP Mr. Trololo and RIP Fantasmi Macchina
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