Thursday, March 25, 2010

Patrick D. Martin

Here he is.. the kooky black sheep bastard of I.R.S. records!..

This American 12-inch was gathered from a batch of British singles. The mysterious Mr. M. plays bright electro-pop that sounds like a simplified \"Pop Muzik,\" but the heavy British accent in his singing eliminates any taint of mechanical coolness. \"Computer Datin\'\" is the standout track. - [Ira Robbins] Trouser Press

Yeah yeah yeah. You decide!

Patrick D. Martin - Patrick D. Martin Lp - 1981 - US

Get that here: PDM

Viddy here: electric motors

Hope you like

Clap Clap


penis your majesty said...

FINALLY! I've been looking for a full LP of this guy since listening to Luci'lectric (repeatedly) on an Ursula 1000 mix. great stuff. Thanks

Tom in Portsmouth, NH said...

OMG! I've had this record since it first came out. Don't really remember what inspired me to buy it way back in the day, but I distinctly remember having to "special order" it at my local record shop. My favorites are "Press The Button" & "I Like 'Lectric Motors". Thanks for posting. I feel old!

Anonymous said...

wore out police paranoia back in the day..a true example of that new wave scene back then..thanx

Anonymous said...

thank you music sharer