Thursday, October 16, 2008

Brian Brain

I totally forgot this sweet angry gem!!

Martin Atkins (Brian Brain) segued from looking at the back of John Lydon's head in Public Image Ltd. He left soon after to pursue his synth solo career as Brian Brain. This foray into experimental / synth would eventually lead him into industrial music and his legendary, Pigface.

Here we have their first LP, and its a bizarre journey through a groundbreaking synthatic New wave tryp.

It might change your life?

Brian Brain - Unexpected Noises Lp - 1980 - UK

Get that here:


Hope you like

Clap Clap


Anonymous said...

Yes yes yes I like!!! Had been waiting for this to bring back good memories. Thank you very much!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Me again. Just listening to it. Back then, I did not appreciate this album enough. This could happen at a time, where so many exciting and original albums came out. Today I know better. This is one of the most multifaceted and most underrated albums of that era. Thanks again, you made my day!

Anonymous said...

I got this and the 12 inch single for this album (something to do with culture). But, the real treasure is their single for Fun with Music with the lyrics, "Heroin kills, stay away from pills, if you use cocaine, say goodbye to your brain!"

Anonymous said...

So can you post this?!?

Anonymous said...

You can listen to some of the tracks of the era here:

However, I'm going to need to rescue my vinyl copies from my folks in order to rip-em around x-mas.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. And please think of ripping yours, I am waiting for you :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great stuff! Thanks a million.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if there is an ethos or something around the culture ep. I cannot find it anywhere for download in the blogsphere. I see it in alot of discography blogs though. I wish someone would rip it and post it. That would be kool :)