First off I want to thank Junior in Japan for sending me this gem.. Thanks buddy!!
I have never heard of this comp, but it sure is good..
Chock full of New Wave, Minimal, and synth nuggets.
V/A - Household Shocks Lp - 1980 - UK

Get that here:
Hope you like
Clap Clap
Hi Y'all.
This is Kev Moore, - used to be the lead guitarist and songwriter with Yorkshire, UK-based punk band The Juveniles (Household Shocks album 1980.) Hope you are enjoying the free downloads of my songs ("Scratched Blue Vinyl" and "Another Kind of Guy.")If I find they're ever not free, copyrightlawyers will be involved! Have fun! Kev.
Opps Paul!
better watch out, obscure punk band is demanding $3.59, time to call Jacoby & Myers!!!
Hi is it possible to have a repost of this album please
Hello and thanks for the fantastic blog!! Any chance this could be re-uploaded?
is a re-up possible please thanks
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