Rolly-polly fish heads
Are never seen drinking cappuccino
In Italian restaurants,
With Oriental women... yeah!
Barnes & Barnes, fictional twin brothers Art Barnes and Artie Barnes (Bill Mumy and Robert Haimer, respectively), are a "novelty rock" duo based in "Lumania", a fictional mythological civilization (similar to Lemuria or Atlantis).
I was OBSESSED with them as a young teen, they were my Zappa period...
With their casio tone beats and ridiculous lyrics, this is a must for all you fans seeking silly and synthy New Wave moments..
I can't find my old B&B Lp's but here is the best of, this was also a limited Rhino VHS release, and someone has posted all the file info here
Barnes & Barnes - Zabagabee CD - 1988 - USA

Get them here:
I'm going to bed!
But wait...
Barnes & Barnes: Fish Heads
that's Bill Paxton in the Nu Mod outfit..
Love it!!
Clap Clap