Nash the Slash would be happy to see you remove his recordings from your site. He has invested a lot of time restoring and remastering his early work for re-release to coincide with his new album.
Nash the Slash is one of Canada's first independent electronic artists and doesn't deserve to have his income eroded by free downloads.
I appreciate your blog as an experimental music enthusiast, but as a long time friend and associate of Nash I had to inform him of the free downloads.
F O O E Y ! ! ! !
DOUBLE F O O E Y ! ! ! !

Nash the Slash (Real Name: Nashville Thebodiah Slasher)(I wish that was my name) is a Canadian musician whose music transcends genres, blending elements of pop, classical, rock and contemporary electronics, then heavily tingeing the result with an ominous film noir darkness. Creepy, yet highly uptempo, Nash's tuneage is achieved with a unique and uncommon selection of instruments: the electric mandolin and electric violin. It is not as cheesy as it sounds, actually it is quite brilliant. Very Carpenter-esque/Tangerine Dream, his music creeps up on you, and induces a trance like state. I used to fall asleep to his music when I was like 15 years old, look what it did to me now!
Another aspect that sets Nash apart from most musicians is the fact that no one knows his real identity or what he looks like. While performing live (something he frequently does in and around the Toronto region), he is wrapped in white gauze and attired in a variety of curious costumes (the most recurrent one being a white tuxedo with high top hat).
Since 1979 Nash has always performed with surgical bandages covering his face. "During a gig at The Edge in the late '70's to raise awareness of the threat from the Three Mile Island disaster, he walked on stage wearing bandages dipped in phosphorus paint and exclaimed: "look, this is what happens to you". The bandages became his trademark.
Here are his first 3 releases which I feel are his best..
Nash The Slash - Bedside Companion 12" - 1978

Get that here:
COMPANIONThen there is his first LP:
Nash The Slash - Dreams And Nightmares LP - 1979

Get that here:
Nash The Slash - Children Of The Night LP - 1980

Get that here:
Hope you like
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